Cloud Server Monitoring - Make Sure Everything Is Live

Cloud Server Monitoring - Make Sure Everything Is Live

Digital data protection is crucial in today's realities for future success. We would say, even the most important point to focus on. Neglecting this aspect can be especially painful when the problem becomes relevant to you.

We at BedrockBytes specialize in protecting, monitoring and recovering servers from disasters.

But first things first. Let's dig deeper into how we work, what we use, and how it feels for our clients.

Proactive Monitoring

We use AWS EC2 memory monitoring and cloud performance monitoring. This new word in the world of cyber protection helps us detect potential threats before they turn into serious problems.

For all-around security, we combine it with cloud 24/7 network managing and monitoring. Using this approach, we can track any server parameters. Every kilobyte, every word, or any piece of data is under the control of BedrockBytes.

This way, you can have peace of mind that you won't lose your data.

Smart Solutions

It's 2023, AI is being used by everyone and everywhere. What if you use it with a skilled team that knows what they need and knows how to use these features? Trust us, it's a blast.

We have engineered our AI systems from A to Z. Yes, they don't solve all processes on their own. But even the simplest tasks require valuable time.

This approach helps both parties:

  1. Saving time and resources for the client.

  2. Delivering outstanding efficiency following AWS monitoring best practices. Proving the accuracy of our approach.

Tailored Action Plans

What about when the problem does hit? Knowing in time is nice, but being prepared is much better.

To solve the problem quickly, it's necessary to follow a step-by-step method. For this purpose, from the beginning of cooperation with the client, we prepare an action plan: "What will we do if...?"

This strategy has already saved many projects and comes as part of our "cloud monitoring solutions" program.

User-Friendly Dashboard

All these buttons, charts and settings. Is that cool? Doubtfully.

But let's be realistic: for a user who isn't a super-ultra-mega expert, it's useless. If you have a problem, you want to figure it out. No more, no less.

In this case, we offer our monitoring as a service for every user.

This will give you an easy-to-use interface through which you will be able to retrieve the information you need as well as monitor server statuses in real-time. That's what we call cool.

False positives - a Major Opponent

Remember we discussed the use of AI? So, this is one of the key places where we actively use it.

The primary aim of server monitoring is to reduce false-positives. We have created a hybrid method: a bunch of experts + AI.

AI is ideal for automating the process. With its help, we not only actively check the servers in case of false positives but also constantly at the code-developing level to automatically start the process of recovery and protection without losing a second.

That is like having a hacker on standby every second of every hour of every single day for a year.

This method is particularly valuable for cloud application monitoring and cloud network monitoring.

Cloud Monitoring Solutions

At BedrockBytes, we don't limit ourselves to one thing. The philosophy of being in one thing but the best one isn't really our thing.

We still want to be the best, but in a multifaceted way. That's why our services include different types of cloud monitoring. Our team provides multi cloud monitoring, hybrid cloud monitoring, and even, cloud based network monitoring.

As a result, we can work with infrastructures of any complexity and offer a quality solution for everyone.

Amazon Web Services

BedrockBytes is prepared to work not only with external systems. Our range of support and monitoring is also available for giants such as Amazon AWS. Check out the list below:

  1. AWS file integrity monitoring
  2. AWS continuous monitoring.
  3. AWS EC2 memory monitoring
  4. AWS monitoring services

Using these support services, we ensure that your AWS infrastructure is not only protected, but also performs at its best through quality optimization.

Wrapping- Up

BedrockBytes writes its own scenario on monitoring and server recovery operations.

We don't ignore new opportunities by constantly improving ourselves. Our combo of non-stop monitoring, AI implementation, transparency of actions, and seasoned team provide unbeatable results.

What matters most to us is your trust. The BedrockBytes team works to keep the client's project safe 24 hours a day. Transparency in our work, a developed client interface, and the opportunity to join at every stage of work fully confirm this.

Trust our ambition, and let us create a secure environment for your business and whatever obstacles you might confront.