Cloud Disaster Recovery - Get Your Service Back Live

Cloud Disaster Recovery - Get Your Service Back Live

What to do when the servers are threatened by a cyber attack, the database is about to be wiped out and losses exceed all expectations? 

Panic? Worry? Perhaps. However, it's better to be prepared from the start.

We, the BedrockBytes team, offer a hassle-free solution that saves your nerves, time and money. Our system will non-stop protect you from cyber chaos at the right moment and alert about near-future challenges.

Comprehensive Service Mapping

The best way to get started on this process is to analyze your system from A–Z and identify all the weaknesses and locations of digital assets and data you don't want to lose.

There is a solution – we are able to offer a full-scale schematic map of your system/service system.

Our service is like a huge and strong saving net for your data storage and key parts of the network.  Therefore, even if something unplanned happens, we'll be ready to deal with it right away to keep your data safe without any doubt.

Tailored Recovery Planning: Prepare for the Worst

It’s all about preparation, and that matters! BedrockBytes don't follow templates when it comes to disaster planning. We create a tailor-made plan for each case and client, which includes being ready for any case.

Plus, we always have multiple plans prepared for unexpected changes so that you can recover in the case of a disaster or even a cyberattack.

Risk Analysis: Prioritizing Business-Critical Components

Most importantly, however, you will need to identify the most crucial components of your disaster recovery plan. At BedrockBytes, we conduct a risk analysis to highlight essential components of your online system that you cannot afford to lose.

Together, we'll go through the different types of  issues that can happen and group them by business impact. This will give you the assurance that, at a minimum, your most valuable files will be 100% protected.

Proactive Monitoring and Immediate Response

What is important when it comes to recovering from a server crash is to recover the most important parts. BedrockBytes understands this need.

We have enhanced our services with unique monitoring solutions that keep an eye on your digital space 24/7 on a routine basis. This allows us to detect any strange activity early on and prevent serious problems before they appear.

An Informed Client is a Powerful One

As a rule at Bedrock Bytes, we say that "an informed client is a powerful one."

We are not in business to do only one thing, our ambitions are much bigger. We want to create a trained community that understands how all these processes work. Our plans include organizing workshops, providing detailed documents and tutorials, mentoring and more.

BedrockBytes believes this collaboration will transform our clients from regular users to active protectors of their digital assets.

Features and Benefits of Our Recovery

Custom Recovery Plans

At BedrockBytes, we make special disaster recovery plans that fit exactly what each client needs. We think about the size of your business, what kind of business you have, and the risks you face to make a plan that works just right for you.

Mapping Everything Out

We look at all the important online stuff you have and explain how we'll help if there's a problem. This includes a big map that shows where everything is, like where your data is stored and how your apps work together. 

It's like having a clear picture of your online world.

Checking for Risks

The BedrockBytes team is extremely diligent about identifying where your online stuff might not be safe. We worry about a number of bad things that could happen, covering the most vital parts or those that are least protected.

Flexible Solutions

Our plans are suitable for all types of businesses, from start-ups to gigantic empires. We always adjust our help to your growing business and remain relevant to protect you from well-known dangers throughout.

Helping You All the Way

Our team is working hard to assist you with fixing any disaster from the beginning till the end. We will be ready to offer guidance and help at your hour of need.

Testing and Updates

We constantly check our plans, ensuring everything comes out well. In this way, we are always prepared for new threats or technological changes, which make our plans strong over a long time.

Quick Recovery

Our plans are aimed at fixing problems as quickly as possible, so the business shouldn't stop for long. We understand that a quick return to work is vital and make every effort to ensure it.

Cyber security

BedrockBytes uses the latest security technologies that could nearly block any cyber attack. This keeps your information protected 24/7, even from really smart hackers.

Reporting and Analytics

We’ll give you all the reports and information to help you understand how well things are going after we fix a problem. This helps you know more about how safe your online stuff is.


Nowadays, finding a truly valuable and good partner is not an easy task at all. The concerns here are completely understandable.

However, we at BedrockBytes have gone beyond standard defense. We don't limit our capabilities to just a couple points. We build a long-term partnership that supports every corner of your business.

Let us show you what we can do, and together we'll turn any challenges into steps to success.