Cloud Migration - Moving To The Cloud

Cloud Migration - Moving To The Cloud

Secure Your Business with BedrockBytes Cloud Migration. How can you protect your data from permanent loss? The most obvious option is to move it to cloud storage.

However, if you have a system storing hundreds of gigabytes of data, it has to be a bit more than a regular task—a whole technological shift and chaos, to be fair.

BedrockBytes knows how challenging this is, that's why we're here. To help you make the migration process easier, faster, and safer without any headaches.

But let's explore it all step-by-step.

Quality, Safety, and Guaranteed Results

BedrockBytes is fully equipped for many types of data-moving, like on-premise to cloud migration, cloud-to-cloud migration, and full-service migration.

Digital Transformation through Cloud Migration

Our approach bypasses standard solutions by several steps. We use many modern features that actually improve the migration process and our work as well. In digital transformation cloud migration, this approach ensures that even the most outdated and un-migratable data will be moved to the cloud.

Rehost vs. Replatform

Let's start with a simple one. What are re-hosting and re-platforming, and what is the difference between them?

Rehosting - the entire existing system moving from point A to point B (cloud storage). In simple words, it's called - cloud migration "as-is".

Replatforming - a hard process that involves modifying and fully optimizing applications and data for the cloud.

We completely understand the complexity and difference between these services. So, we are ready to provide each client with a 100% individual approach that meets every need. For the client, it means a total guarantee that every comma, every space, and every character will be migrated without a gram of loss or any nuances.

Learning From Cloud Migration Success Stories

It’s all about being prepared. We don't do our work on the principle of "Let's get started, and then will see what happens."

Our cloud migration project plans are carefully crafted based on cloud migration case studies and AWS cloud migration best practices.

Learning, adapting and improving. These points are a crucial part of BedrockBytes' cloud migration strategy.

Cloud Migration Consulting

We provide full-scale support, starting with scoping and strategy development to implementation and post-migration help. This includes an AWS migration evaluator, cloud migration assessment and consulting services.


The BedrockBytes team works by using only the best cloud migration services that the current market can offer. We don't take a one-size-fits-all approach but tailor a unique migration route using our best cloud migration tools. Our method will focus on the whole cycle of the project, from initial evaluation to final implementation. 

The decision to work with us means to work together with the most competitive and ambitious professionals you would imagine.

Start your journey towards the cloud with BedrockBytes. Contact us today to learn how our cloud migration service will change your business.


What is hybrid cloud migration?

Hybrid cloud migration is the process of moving data from on-premises to cloud environments. It considers server security and cloud flexibility. As a result, users can manage their data individually, balancing between security and scalability.

Why are companies moving from cloud to on-premise?

Some companies need specific data control, compliance or specialized performance capabilities. These concerns make on-premises solutions more preferable for them.

Anyway, trends toward on-premises solutions are declining as secure and functionally strong cloud approaches improve.

What are the phases of cloud migration? 

The four key phases are:

  1. Assessment and Planning: Analyzing current infrastructure and mapping a migration plan.
  2. Migration Preparation: Cloud environment configuration and getting ready for data transfer.
  3. Migration Execution: Real migration of apps, data and services to the cloud.
  4. Post-Migration Optimization: Be sure that all things run smoothly and make changes where they are needed.

What are the cons of on-premises solutions?

On-premises solutions are much more complex than cloud solutions. Also, on-premises solutions have limited scalability and lack flexibility compared to cloud solutions. 

Additionally, it's important to note that cloud environments may be more dependable than on-premises for disaster recovery. 

What are the benefits of cloud migration?

  1. Cost Efficiency - cuts down on both physical hardware and its maintenance thus translating into low cap ex.
  2. Scalable – easily expands or contracts based on demand for ultimate efficiency and agility.
  3. Accessibility and Collaboration - enables users to obtain data and applications from anywhere.
  4. Disaster Recovery - The strong architecture of cloud storage boosts the data backup and disaster recovery abilities.
  5. Performance and Innovation - gives access to the latest changes and technologies to ensure performance improvement.