Main Benefits of Cloud Hosting vs. On-Premise: A Comprehensive Guide

February 7, 2024


In recent years, the world of technology has faced a difficult choice in the digital hosting area. On one hand, there was a time-tested solution for on-premise infrastructure. On the other hand, a new player in this market is cloud hosting.

In this article, we’ll look at each solution, give a detailed comparison, and take a balanced look at the pros and cons of these models.

Get comfy and plunge into the world of hosting with us.

Lights, camera, action!

Cloud Hosting: Understanding the Benefits and Challenges

Cloud hosting is the cutting-edge in data storage and computing. The principle of this technology is the use of virtual servers connected to a global network of physical software.

This method provides wide flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, making it the most favorable choice compared to others.

Key Advantages


Cloud hosting provides extended scalability capabilities. It empowers any business to meet evolving needs without any physical hardware boundaries.


Cloud uses an operational-expenditure approach. This method reduces the need for a large initial investment and offers a cost-effective approach in the future.

The expense will only go towards quality cloud hosting. Using a service like BedrockBytes, you will get a server, software, protection, and a team that will be active 24/7.

Enhanced Security

Let's be real: cloud providers spend a lot of money on protection.

Cloud storage is updated on a minute-by-minute basis and can automatically prepare for a predicted threat by using all possible protection tools at the exact second you need them.

That's the reason why cloud security measures are several times more powerful than any local infrastructure.

Flexibility and Accessibility

Sitting at home, on the road, or flying by airplane?

The flexible working environment offered by cloud hosting allows you to connect, collaborate, and change anything from anywhere.

Disaster Recovery and Data Backup

The availability of robust backup and disaster recovery features. The golden key to minimizing the risk of data loss is why more and more companies are considering migrating to the cloud.

Energy Efficiency

The cloud's infrastructure is designed to ensure efficient energy use. This makes a great impact toward sustainability goals with the least energy use.

Possible Challenges

Internet Dependency

Cloud hosting has a few but very significant disadvantages. One of them is dependence on the internet. If your connection experiences outages or glitches, it's a reason to start worrying.

Bet here is lifehack - If your servers are running on AWS, it doesn't matter what is happening with your connection, your website will still run without any interruption.

Data Privacy Concerns

You should be aware that by using cloud storage services, your data will not be 100% confidential. The development company is working with your data in one way or another. They need to understand what kind of information needs to be protected.

But it's important to add that working with Bedrockbytes involves using only trusted cloud servers with the best security, which means you're likely to have more security and data privacy than you would on your private server.

Limited Customization

Cloud hosting solutions may offer limited customization options. Be prepared; it's not so easy to find a service provider with features that fully match your requirements.

However, at BedrockBytes, we have collected all the services you will need. You are welcome to visit our services to check out our extensive list of offerings and case studies to see some challenges we've handled.

For example, read about how we have figured out the custom architecture requests, with one of the most interesting cases being Leveraging cloud together with on-prem : Snap-on.

On-Premise Hosting: Old School That's Still Rollin’

On-premise hosting involves setting up and managing servers within a company's physical location. While it offers complete control over data and systems, it requires significant investment in hardware, software, and ongoing maintenance.


Total Control

The biggest advantage of an on-premise solution is total control. Every move depends directly on you and your actions. No third parties or developers are involved. Every move, update, and breath is done under your control.

Data Sovereignty

Point directly related to the point above. Every kilobyte of information is under your control. So you can be sure that no one but you handles your valuable data.


Higher Initial Costs

On-premise infrastructure demands significant capital expenditures for hardware, software, and setup.

You should immediately worry about server availability, storage space, and configuration. Plus constant updates, troubleshooting, electricity, and so on.

Trust us, it's a truly costly option.

Maintenance Responsibility

Poking around in code won't be enough to maintain on-premises solutions. Troubleshooting in such cases often requires IT staff, time, and a host of other resources.

Scalability Challenges

Physical constraints and the need for hardware procurement make scaling up an on-premise setup a much more time-consuming and expensive task.

Cloud hosting On-prem hosting
Scalability Better scalability due to easy addition or change of server type Problem can be fixed only locally with the help of skilled people and a large waste of time
Security The data is protected by several constantly updated protection protocols. All information belongs only to you and the people to whom you give access. The entire security is up to you and your team
Data Backup The ability to secure your data 100% by making a full data backup, even if a disaster is unavoidable No backup option, high risk of losing all data in a cyber attack
Cost-Effectiveness Service. This is the only one you should spend on. Servers, software, team, security,subscriptions and more you should add to your bill.
Customization options It's important to find a service that offers the services you need You are able to choose and create the services you need.
Maintenance All activities take place online and there is no need for any manual work Much more expensive due physical constraints and hardware procurement


In summary, cloud hosting and on-premise solutions have unique pros and cons that set them apart. However, you need to consider the specific needs associated with these factors and the budget you are willing or able to divide for long-term planning.

Cloud hosting, with its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and security, is becoming the preferred option for many businesses. But every business has its unique requirements that need to be considered before making a choice.

Hopefully, this article will help you make up your mind and make the right choice!

Read our blog, learn more, and stay tuned. Bye!


1. What's the difference between cloud hosting and on-premise hosting?

Cloud hosting uses remote servers for data storage and is known for its scalability and cost-effectiveness. On-premise hosting involves managing servers within a company's premises, offering more control but requiring a higher upfront investment.

2. Is cloud hosting more secure than on-premise hosting?

Cloud hosting often has robust security, backed by the provider's resources. However, on-premise hosting can be equally secure but requires significant investment and expertise.

3. How does scalability compare in cloud vs. on-premise hosting?

Cloud hosting offers easy scalability, adjusting resources quickly to demand. On-premise hosting requires physical changes to hardware, making scalability more challenging.

4. Is Cloud Hosting Cheaper than On-Premise?

Yes, cloud hosting reduces upfront hardware costs and maintenance expenses, with a pay-as-you-go model that can lead to further savings.

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